So, here I am standing in the West, wearing the regalia of a Grand Senior Warden, as an officer of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. I was elected in July 2019 for a one year term, but due to covid was allowed to continue sitting (virtually) in the chair until my successor was invested in July 2022. How I got to this vaunted position is a long story, and one I'm happy to share with you over a pint of beer one day.

Having enjoyed a lifetime of interesting stories to relate over numerous beers, I think my biopic would be dvided into several critical sections, notwithstanding my early days as a child, which I barely remember, and would include the exploits of a rather rebellious youth and upon graduating university how I ended up in Bermuda, a decent chapter indeed, that would lead to a return to Toronto two years later and, oddly, landing a job as the National News Editor of a music magazine and then four years later launching Raw Energy in 1989, after re-joining the hospitality trade, rather fittingly, as a manager of a pub called The Toad In The Hole, and from there ending up in China ten years later during the good ol' dot com days.

Imagine, for a brief moment, running a company for a decade targeting skate and snowboarders that primarily produced, released and marketed punk and ska albums in 23 countries around the world, which ultimately became a recognized brand of entertainment, trusted by an entire generation, as the company grew to include not just Raw Energy Music, but also Raw Energy Film, Raw Energy Promotions and Raw Energy Investments. The latter did not quite take hold, admittedly... but it was in the business plan.

After China, however, there is another 20+ years of life to explain. That conversation would require settling the tab at the bar and returning another day for Round Two. Or you can jaunt over to LinkedIn for an abbreviated breakdown of certain venture-related experiences, such as my attempt to launch Civilized Productions and provide television audiences compelling content in the form of an entertaining weekly show called Before The Egyptians, and a few others, including a series on the Knights Templar and a movie I wrote (because I was challenged to) called Columbus Had A Map.

Graeme Boyce

I've spent a lifetime accumulating stories, having traveled the world and written so many business plans, and now I'd like to share the wealth with you.